Demographic Profile
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The population in Matagorda County, Texas was 36,791 per American Community Survey data for 2016-2020. The region has a civilian labor force of 16,568 with a participation rate of 58.7%. Of individuals 25 to 64 in Matagorda County, Texas, 18.8% have a bachelor’s degree or higher which compares with 34.3% in the nation. The median household income in Matagorda County, Texas is $48,733 and the median house value is $128,100.
The population in the City of Bay City, TX was 17,672 per American Community Survey data for 2016-2020. The region has a civilian labor force of 7,719 with a participation rate of 60.3%. Of individuals 25 to 64 in the City of Bay City, TX, 19.9% have a bachelor’s degree or higher which compares with 34.3% in the nation. The median household income in the City of Bay City, TX is $45,089 and the median house value is $106,500.
The population in the City of Palacios, TX was 4,589 per American Community Survey data for 2016-2020. The region has a civilian labor force of 2,214 with a participation rate of 62.0%. Of individuals 25 to 64 in the City of Palacios, TX, 19.0% have a bachelor’s degree or higher which compares with 34.3% in the nation. The median household income in the City of Palacios, TX is $49,167 and the median house value is $88,600.
Education Levels
Expected growth rates for occupations vary by the education and training required. While all employment in Matagorda County, Texas is projected to grow 0.3% over the next ten years, occupations typically requiring a postgraduate degree are expected to grow 0.9% per year, those requiring a bachelor’s degree are forecast to grow 0.2% per year, and occupations typically needing a 2-year degree or certificate are expected to grow 0.4% per year.

Expected growth rates for occupations vary by the education and training required. While all employment in the City of Palacios, TX is projected to grow 0.8% over the next ten years, occupations typically requiring a postgraduate degree are expected to grow 0.8% per year, those requiring a bachelor’s degree are forecast to grow 0.7% per year, and occupations typically needing a 2-year degree or certificate are expected to grow 1.0% per year.

Expected growth rates for occupations vary by the education and training required. While all employment in the City of Bay City, TX is projected to grow 0.7% over the next ten years, occupations typically requiring a postgraduate degree are expected to grow 1.1% per year, those requiring a bachelor’s degree are forecast to grow 0.8% per year, and occupations typically needing a 2-year degree or certificate are expected to grow 0.8% per year.

Looking to expand, relocate, start a new business or improve your bottom line? Give us a call. We are here to assist you through each step of the process.